Enabling Solutions offers Net Metering Solar systems in Islamabad, Rawalpindi and Lahore. The net metering system in Pakistan is highly beneficial for solar system owners. As the country is blessed with ample sunlight, solar panels generate more electricity in the day than our need, this excessive energy will be of no use if a net metering compliant solar system has not been installed on your rooftop. But if you have the said facility, you can sell this additional amount of electricity to the grid and can earn electricity units in the monthly bill. Net metering is a new yet legal practice in the country as NEPRA had issued regulations about it a few years back. Whether you are a domestic or commercial consumer, net metering will be equally advantageous.
Benefits of Net Metering in Pakistan
Installing a solar panel system brings lots of benefits for its consumers, Net metering system is one of the greatest benefits. Solar energy helps the consumer to enjoy free electricity after the payback period is over and net metering makes it even better by helping consumers to sell excess electricity and earn from it. Some benefits of net metering in Pakistan include:
Reasonable cost:
Net metering system has long term benefits and considering the benefits you can get from net metering, the installation cost is reasonable for both commercial and residential users. If you are looking forward to installing a solar panel system at your location, then make sure it is net meter compliant to enjoy the benefits.
Extra earnings:
Who does not enjoy earning money and when earning money become this easy, who would want to avoid it! Net metering system is a billing mechanism that helps you earn money by taking in account any surplus energy produced by the solar panel system.
Enjoy reduced bill:
Net metering system allows the consumer to enjoy reduced bills. The net bill that you will receive will be the difference in the amount of energy consumed to the amount of energy delivered. with net metering system you only have to pay a small amount of the energy that you consume from the grid.